Mengapa kebakaran hutan dan lahan masih terjadi meski sudah restorasi

Badan Restorasi Gambut (BRG) dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) sejak 2016 telah diberikan mandat untuk melakukan restorasi lahan gambut untuk mencegah kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Indonesia. Lahan gambut di Indonesia terdegradasi dan mengering akibat terbakar hebat di 2015. Maka itu, upaya pemulihan gambut yang implementasinya berlangsung sejak 2017 diharapkan dapat mengembalikan kelembaban ekosistem gambut paling dini pada …

Lessons from South Sumatra: extend the palm oil moratorium to restore peatlands and prevent fires

This article was published by The Conversation The Indonesian government has ended a moratorium on releasing new palm oil plantation permits in protected forest and peatlands. To replace this policy and to deal with issues around sustainable palm oil production, the government will apply existing regulations under the Jobs Creation Law passed last year. The use of this law could jeopardise peatland …

Building the energy-agriculture nexus in Indonesia

This article was published by The Jakarta Post The Center of Excellence ( CoE ) was launched at the Bali Clean Energy Forum ( BCEF ) February. The CoE was established to facilitate with the integration of research and development, investment and deployment of clean energy and related technologies. CoE initiatives are planned to be developed all over Indonesia. Beyond …